Sunday, November 4, 2007

Niyama, Shaucha (Purity)

Shaucha is internal and external purification. It is purifying the body, mind and environment.

Our bodies are gifts and we should show appreciation of that by striving to keep them operating optimally. We maintain cleanliness of the body by washing the outside and taking in healthy food and drink for the inside. Practicing asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) are also desirable ways to engage in shaucha of the body so that we may become lighter, clearer and vibrate at a higher level.

We engage in shaucha of the mind by keeping it clear of disturbing thoughts and emotions such as pride, greed and hatred. By exposing ourselves to inspiring reading, people and music we elevate our consciousness.

Keeping our homes clean, uncluttered and noiseless (not necessarily soundless) is another practice of shaucha. When our homes are dirty and filled with too many objects and clamor it is disturbing and distracting. We become irritated and overwhelmed. We lose our calm. Our homes are our sanctuaries and should be appreciated and maintained as such.

Some of the fruits of practicing shaucha are enjoying a healthy body that is able to help others, having a clear mind that can grasp and appreciate a valuable lesson, and living in an environment that we feel at peace in.

Shauchat swanga jugupsa parair asamsargah.  (Owing to purity, there is a desire to protect one's own body, being the non-contact with whatever is adverse to that.)
-Patanjali Yoga Sutras ii:40


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.