Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Niyama, Ishvarapranidhana (Surrender to God)

Ishvarapranidhana is knowing that God is in every living thing, every place, every event and every thought.

The practice of ishvarapranidhana may take the form of regularly recalling that all is steeped in the spiritual. We may use that thought as a focal point of our daily meditation and root ourselves in the soil of this truth. Keeping this tenet in our hearts and minds, we then go about the day infusing our actions with dedication to our higher source. Daily tasks that may have seemed mundane become permeated with selfless devotion and thus more meaningful and enjoyable. When we lovingly remember that everyone is on their path to spiritual enlightenment, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, we become more accepting.

All situations we find ourselves in are rife with opportunity and choices. We have the opportunity to know ourselves as patient, kind, peaceful, gracious and loving or short-tempered, mean, angry, ungrateful and hateful. How we behave is always our choice. We are constantly offered occasions to recognize the divinity of all and act with that wisdom in our hearts.

Remembering our divinity pulls us towards thoughts and actions of our higher selves. Recognizing the divine leads to a meaningful life lived on purpose, with purpose.

Samadhi Siddih Ishwarapranidhanat.  (The perfection of samadhi is due to the perfect alignent of attention with the omniscient seer within.)
-Patanjali Yoga Sutras ii:45


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you wrote below is one of the most insightful views on behavior that I have ever read:

"We are constantly offered occasions to recognize the divinity of all and act with that wisdom in our hearts."

My prayer is that I have the sensibility to see these opportunities and the courage to recognize my own divinity. Well spoken, and well written, Laura.