Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Niyama, Santosha (Contentment)

Santosha is the practice and cultivation of contentment. It is the ability to be at peace in any circumstances that we find ourselves in. That ability arises out of a knowing that every situation is an opportunity to learn and experience ourselves in ways that foster our growth. Santosha roots itself in knowing that we are always with God and are therefore truly lacking nothing.

Santosha is not synonymous with complacency where we accept or tolerate unhealthy situations. Nor does it mean that we allow our growth to lie dormant. But rather it is practicing patience and making the most of our hardships while striving to better them.

Fully practicing santosha is remaining equanimous even in difficult circumstances that have no semblance of joy. When our joy does not reside in nor depend upon life’s obviously sweeter windfalls, then too are we practicing santosha. Maintaining hopefulness during hard times, finding balance in wonderful times, and being at peace with every stage of our growth is santosha.

Santoshad anuttama sukha labhah.  (Owing to contentment, there is an unexcelled attainment of happiness.)
-Patanjali Yoga Sutras ii:42


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your very insightful description of Santosha. I have been reading a lot of answers/definitions to this complex idea of contentment. And by far I like yours the best.